Monday, March 30, 2009

There's sand in my hair..

And I feel some in my eyes. But it's worth the fun I'm having working on this mosaic project with Isaiah Zagar. We're covering Colleen's walls at Black ~n~ Brew and it's been a wonderful time learning technique and tricks. We started the project Saturday and what was to be a two day project has turned into four since the skies cried upon our water soluble adhesive.

We began cutting mirror at the beginning of the day to place on either side of Isaiah's design already outlined on the wall. Then we went to the site to start placing pieces. There were about 20 of us and it was pretty incredible to see how fast the work went. There were big 'blob' pieces already mounted on the wall. These are made by troweling leftover cement grout onto a plastic drop. Then ceramics and various glass/painted tile are stuck into it and left to dry.

This arrowhead like tile was my favorite piece I put up.

And here's my favorite portion that I did while standing on three milk crates.

Isaiah is quite a character and I really enjoy working with him. I didn't realize his wife owns one of my favorite shops in town where I get my bellydance gear. Also, his son is just about to release his documentary on their family's life which should be really interesting.

Isaiah laughed and said it didn't paint a very good picture of him. (described as revealing their tumultuous marriage ~ gasp! let me see a marriage that isn't) (ummm, except yours mother, but that doesn't count since it belongs in make believe world) A girl Lily asked if he was upset with his son over the movie and Isaiah said of course he couldn't be, which I found really endearing. He has a lot of great answers for things. Like when a man came up to ask him questions and one of the girls said "that must happen to you everywhere" he said back "not in my bedroom" I burst out laughing.

I also burst out laughing at his analogy of something needing to loose it's clothing. Mainly I laughed because his work is pretty sexual, or more anatomical i guess, and people just don't know what to do with that. It's incredibly amusing how awkward someone can be looking at a drawing of an outlined man with a detailed penis that you can't pretend to not notice. It's the "I'll hide my embarrassment to show appreciation" look. But one guy who said what everyone was thinking "dude, what's with all the penises?" more of my laughter fell out.

here's a pic after grouting.

here I am with Isaiah.

It's probably too wordy to describe the process, so if you are interested I can tell you, but I'll spare that here.

I'm gonna post this since I'm packed with volunteer work tomorrow and work and finishing the mosaic and trying to at some point fit in moving? ugh. but at some point I'll write about the rest of the experience.
I'm too tired right now from burger/reuben night with Ang. We laugh at how much we both eat and always order desert. Though tonight we were too late to get belgian tavern donuts. poo.

also, i have a pic coming of my latest print made. here's more from this weekend/mon.