Friday, January 8, 2010

New year, New post!

Finally got to uploading some pictures from long and short ago. It's not a resolution but I'm gonna blog more this year!! here's tidbits from what i've missed :)

Here is the SnapDragon (though really only a dragon and not many people could even guess that! sillies)

We didn't get a full video of our performance but a snippet was taken by Angie and can be seen here....

Still cooking tons in this new year of course and we just can't get enough of this pancake recipe!

I made some with eggs in the middle.....yummm..

They are the lightest and fluffiest ever! It really is key to just moisten the flour and to avoid over mixing. Lumps we've found go away while cooking. They almost float out of the pan.

I made a really good and overstuffed chicken pot pie with a yeasty apple pudding for desert. Both turned out tasty and we pretty much scraped the apple pan clean. David keeps bringing home cookbooks from work and I find myself flipping to the desert pages to see what I should make.

I hope to apprentice at a french patisserie in Wayne with a well known pastry chef. I went today and asked but will inquire further with a letter and maybe a pie to entice a position. I couldn't leave without getting a few things and bought some of the best deserts I've ever tasted. The macaroons were incredible.

And on the way back to town I stopped at the German butcher to pick up some goodies! :) It was a food full day.

Last time I got marzipan piggies but this time I found ..............................

Marzipan Potatoes!!!

And here's a pic of David's beanie I knitted for Xmas. It came out really well if I do say so myself.

I have to get ma to take a pic of her shawl and geez, I'm still not done with Amy's socks. I wrapped them half finished only to take them home again. Oh well, sometime soon I hope!