Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Craft Night!

Some of my bellydance troupe and I had a craft night last friday! Very fun and neat to see others projects they work on. Such a creative crew. There were cute black cats to help me knit and make sure the yarn was sturdy.

We have a performance coming up on the 15th which I'm very excited about. We're practicing tomorrow at my house and are figuring out our costume! Nice.

I saw The Wrestler yesterday and enjoyed it very much. Mickey Rourke as a washed up old Pro Wrestler with bleached blonde 80's band hair. He was pretty exceptional in it.

Unfortunately my class was canceled today and the school was closed where I was supposed to go in with Kasia to a career fair to talk about Therapy dogs and volunteering. So that'll be next week. So instead I scouted out some fabrics for hip scarves and caught up with some tea at a cafe and knitted.

I think I'm on knitting overstimulation and don't know which project to try and finish. Ack! But here's my done bellydance belt (with my new pants underneath that goes with some tops I got. so cute)

Ever trying to figure out my work situation and what is up next in life. I'm still not sold on changing my car info and license to PA but I'm gonna bite my lip and just do it I guess!

Sigh, I wish I had a puppet master.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Here's to your nutrition

I made a feast last night! Salmon cakes, polenta, broccoli, with a honey dijon vinegrette. Yum!! I get flack for not eating well. Personally I think cooking for yourself is overrated and at the base of what's wrong with the world today. heehee. Anyways, here's my smorgasbourg fit for a Templeton Rat.

In other news; I slept through the inauguration and awoke to finish my slouchy hat. Don't worry folks I caught the speech later via videostream for my casual enjoyment. The hat was made out of yarn I recycled from a thrift store scarf I bought for a buck. It was exactly the type of yarn I was looking for and worked perfectly since it unraveled really easily. The pattern was called sneaky snakes slouchy hat and I'm proud to say I did not divert at all from the pattern, though now would make some changes to it. It came out rather well I'll say.

I'm soon to be off to bellydance with a newly jangled belt I adourned with cut apart necklaces I found appropriately in a necklace store. Pics of that to come but here's my just done hat!

Perhaps tonight I'll start the beret I've been commissioned to make for Papa!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Warm Snake Arms

Finished my bellydance arm warmers! I suppose they don't have to just be for bellydancing but that was what I made them for so that's what I'm calling them. They're a little different from each other but it's not hugely noticeable so I'll ignore it. I find I'm a fly by the seat of my pants kind of knitter. Sort of using a pattern but not really using it. I wasn't sure two skeins of this bulky stuff would be enough but it turned out to be just right and up to the elbows like I wanted.

I do believe I'm going to knit some knee high socks next if I can figure out the foot part. Or possibly a belly top since I'm on the things to wear to bellydance class kick (currently I'm crocheting arm bands to go with a belt I did).

Had a good day today with a museum, indian food, and a movie all with good company. I've been craving indian food and I don't know if I satisfied it completely since I'm a little mouth watery over thinking about samosas but I dampered it.

The penn museum of archeology is quite a place with tons of neat stuff to oogle. I can't even process all I saw but a few things stuck out like chinese lions, islamic moonlights, a huge crystal ball, and Qilin statues that I wanted to ride (half dragon half lions).

I'm sad I ate all my marzipan piggies but dark chocolate with caramel filling is mighty good!