Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Here's to your nutrition

I made a feast last night! Salmon cakes, polenta, broccoli, with a honey dijon vinegrette. Yum!! I get flack for not eating well. Personally I think cooking for yourself is overrated and at the base of what's wrong with the world today. heehee. Anyways, here's my smorgasbourg fit for a Templeton Rat.

In other news; I slept through the inauguration and awoke to finish my slouchy hat. Don't worry folks I caught the speech later via videostream for my casual enjoyment. The hat was made out of yarn I recycled from a thrift store scarf I bought for a buck. It was exactly the type of yarn I was looking for and worked perfectly since it unraveled really easily. The pattern was called sneaky snakes slouchy hat and I'm proud to say I did not divert at all from the pattern, though now would make some changes to it. It came out rather well I'll say.

I'm soon to be off to bellydance with a newly jangled belt I adourned with cut apart necklaces I found appropriately in a necklace store. Pics of that to come but here's my just done hat!

Perhaps tonight I'll start the beret I've been commissioned to make for Papa!


Anonymous said...

That IS a really cute hat!

Anonymous said...

Lovely hat, and I love that you recycled the yarn for it. I can't wait to see the belt! Yay for re-purposing.