Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Craft Night!

Some of my bellydance troupe and I had a craft night last friday! Very fun and neat to see others projects they work on. Such a creative crew. There were cute black cats to help me knit and make sure the yarn was sturdy.

We have a performance coming up on the 15th which I'm very excited about. We're practicing tomorrow at my house and are figuring out our costume! Nice.

I saw The Wrestler yesterday and enjoyed it very much. Mickey Rourke as a washed up old Pro Wrestler with bleached blonde 80's band hair. He was pretty exceptional in it.

Unfortunately my class was canceled today and the school was closed where I was supposed to go in with Kasia to a career fair to talk about Therapy dogs and volunteering. So that'll be next week. So instead I scouted out some fabrics for hip scarves and caught up with some tea at a cafe and knitted.

I think I'm on knitting overstimulation and don't know which project to try and finish. Ack! But here's my done bellydance belt (with my new pants underneath that goes with some tops I got. so cute)

Ever trying to figure out my work situation and what is up next in life. I'm still not sold on changing my car info and license to PA but I'm gonna bite my lip and just do it I guess!

Sigh, I wish I had a puppet master.


Anonymous said...

I love that you made a knit belt not look cheesy. In fact, you made it look spectacular!

Anonymous said...

That's such a good idea to have a craft night and work on crafts together. You're belly dance belt is lovely! I don't think you'd really like being a puppet too much.