Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Oh to be a honey bee...

Pollenatin flowers and buzzin around in the springtime breeze.

But I only have chilling wind howling at my puppies ears. Oh well, to savor the spring we must swallow the winter I guess. or something. This puppy makes me feel warm and snugly though.

While I haven't been a honey bee, I have been a busy bee! knitting left and right, crocheting and making prints all for christmas. Those that follow this blog probably already know this, since they were the benefactors of my handmade gifts this year, except Robby who was MIA! I got everything done knitting up to the last minute (literally) and now I've moved on to projects for little 'ol selfish me.

Currently I'm working on some bellydance goodies like a belt and arm warmers. I have one arm warmer done and it looks amazing!! and..I have no idea how I'm going to replicate it for the other arm. hmm. rats buckets.

here's a few of the gifts;

Mama's bird print I made but didn't sign (I will I promise!)

And Ishmael's print for his birthday.

I made knittings for Amy and Eric. Amy got a cell phone cozy and ankle warmers. Eric got a camera case and soap in a sweater. (It felts in the shower and shrinks with the soap. cool!)

And Kasia got to open her gifts! Umm, those aren't all hers, though she did try to open them. Such a good puppy waiting all day and really being tortured by them sitting there!


And making his debut in my blog is Miles, my belly. My Christmas belly!

ate waaayyy too much yorkshire pudding. mmmm.

New Years tomorrow... which doesn't usually mean big stuff to me, but something will be done I'm sure. Kasia hasn't shared her resolutions but she was making a list. Donny called her fat so maybe trimming down is on it!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I should be sleeping...

But I have beats running through my head.

This week has been full of BuildaBridge activities. We had our ending celebration on Wed. night. We made pizzas with the kids and their families. They had their dance celebration while they cooked, and then everyone sat down to fellowship together.

After that I picked up Ishmael from the tea house and since we didn't have time to go to the Tulva throat singing concert, we decided to see a movie and get some duck dinner. Papa had us both craving duck after thanksgiving so we had some really good asian dishes and caught the movie Slumdog Millionaire. It was a good flick. I reccomend it (not too graphic for you ma) I love going to movies by myself, though, I have to say it's fun to sit next to someone :)

Today I just got done with the Latin rythym workshop I signed up to help with. It was totally worth only getting 3 hours of sleep after working an overnight shift. Held out on 43rd street in a huge church, I walked into the office not knowing where to go. There was a group of women laughing at one of the toddlers strutting around in diapers, cowboy boots, sunglasses, and a scarf. Really cute and a good way to start things out. Found where to go and went downstairs to help set up. We had a proffessional drummer, Josh, running things and ready to teach instrument making and beat laying.

The women and kids came downstairs, sleepy and a little not ready to have loud noises played. Josh started playing on one of the buckets, and you could tell everyone had no choice but to wake up fast. We played a couple games with making up beats and listening to each other. A few people weren't so enthusiastic but they warmed up in the next part where we made our instruments. Josh showed us how to make drums, shakers, and mallets out of everyday materials like cans and soda bottles. I helped the toddler from upstairs make a mallet and beat on a drum.

We sat in a circle and had a little jam session. Everyone was into it, all the kids were following the rythym and everyone did a solo. The people who were rolling their eyes were drumming and connecting with everyone and it was just really awesome. The young ones were following how to make different sounds and get the drum to change pitch. The teens were being really inventive with their drum creations and adding grips on the mallets. So much fun to be a part of this. I'll get some pictures up when I get them, but here's my drum and little shaker!

And now I sleep to be able to go to holiday party tonight with Ishmael without shut eyes. More fun!

~also, I have a print job on monday which is great! no so great it's right after my overnight but I'll deal. I can sleep anytime yes?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Motility at 95%

Ummm, that's not..... Yes. Yes they are.

Monoprint #2 in the series. (technically #3 but wasn't satisfied with the real 2nd)

Motility at 95%
I think that will be the title. Running some others through my head like;

The Race

Good Little Swimmers

Get the Bitch Pregnant (only people who I went to school with will get that one)

Stud Dog Meet Handler

pretty pleased with it! Next up: Blood Cells with Bartonella I think?

My Picture for Bike Riders Against Pneumonia. (so damn cold out)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pups for Barack

I had my second culinary class at Project Rainbow, a daycare and service facility for women and their children in transitional homes. Chicken tenders were on the menu to make with a spin on the fried version, teaching healthier alternatives to cooking. The kids substituted olive oil, crushed crackers, and honey mustard for the fatty butter breading you fry up. I don't know if they were completely convinced but it was a fun process and cute to watch them sit down and eat what they made.
It's amazing how things can differ each week just within how the kids respond. The little boy who was so quiet and good last week was a bubbly explosion of hyper this week. It matters a lot of who they're paired with too, of course. One boy was focused on the music playing in the background and didn't really want to cook since he had made fried chicken the night before. But it's fun to try to change that around and he was interested that I took hip hop and started getting enthused when we talked about dancing = which helped get him enthused about chicken tenders! ha. I told him no wonder he was hesitant about cooking today since he seemed like a pro, which made him nod in agreement. so adorable.
Things only got slightly tizzied during the wait for the baking. Juice is a good havoc calmer though.
They started to eat the goods when mothers came in to round them up. They have little patience. The weaving workshop I helped with the other week was great in getting good interaction with the moms and kids. Half of getting the kids to stop calling each other stupid is to get the moms to stop calling them stupid.
a glimpse of my new jacquard bellydance top with knitting needles and arm warmers.
Currentlly I'm obsessed with knitting. And this begins (mother) the trade of photo's with what I've made. Starting with what Dottie at work calls a 'Dickie'. I don't know if that name will stick since it's coming from someone who refers to female parts as 'chicken', but I thought it was funny.
Reversable neckwarmers. I stole the idea from a guys mom. I met him on an art crawl in his store of designed t-shirts. He was impressive being so young and having a really creative idea and his own shop. There was a cabinet with knitted wears and he said his mom made them all. hats, neckwarmers, and scarves. At least I told him I was going to steal the idea.
So here's my first made item.
I met some new people at the art crawl. It was a fun night (sans the losing of I.D. and CC, ick)
Some really good galleries are in the area with unusual art. Made friends, danced to 80's new wave, Learned that porn editing isn't as exciting as some people think, and ate some eggs. it was a good night.
I've been sick all week which sucked donkeys breath. couldn't see marie's baby yet. not nice to cough on infants.
I did make it out though to a dance party Fri night for a bit. Veg chinese food first with a new friend then dancing while people in pizza costumes were crowd surfing. Met some more good people.
Now I have to go to work, ugh. good thing i bought juice and soup.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Riot the Streets

Two Riots, halloween, and a giant Pinata. Full week in the Phil streets, this one might mimic it depending on tonights outcome.

Well, the Phillies win was had. After much buildup with the last game broken in two by mischievious thundergods, the game concluded with a strike out pitch and the streets flooded with havoc drunken phanatics. There was no terror of being taken with the crowds as I tucked myself away in a movie theater. The woman in the box laughed when I walked in and said "you're the only one in the whole place" i said, "oh nice!".

Seven people were behind the snack counter listening to the game, two of them made me my tea. (note for next time if i bring my own cup and tea bag i get hot water for free)
I watched Happy-go-Lucky an english flick about a chick who is happy. obviously. the guy who was the villain/driver teacher/stalker did an amazing job and overall i liked the movie. little annoyed that they had to throw in a love interest for her to be happy, but that wasn't a huge part so not a big annoy. I liked how it ended with her character not changing too much but feeling like the movie moved somewhere.

It was low key for the Halloween celebration. Sugar cookie baking and handing out candies to little mexican kids driven around by the van fulls. We actually didn't have that many come so here I am eating 5 pieces every night with my two bite brownies. good thing i bike.
The giant Pinata isn't even worth talking about. A Carnival Cruise marketing ploy used to lure peole into their ick. I got lured, but more because I couldn't sleep. They built a 3 story pinata but built up to a nonrelease of candy and no demolishing. disappointing.
Sleep was my friend last night, and waking up likes me too. though it helps to have your maid knock on the door to be let in. umm, I have a house cleaner, did i write that ever? ridiculous, but damn she does a good job down to the organized soybeans in the freezer. it's weird though. i haven't had her do my room, i just can't. i always seem to want a shower right at the moment she's cleaning the bathroom.
Voting is going on right now. and the outcome will decide if i move to Germany or not. I'll take Kasia having to wear a basket muzzle over Palin running this country (McCain's going to keel over with how suprised he's gonna be if he wins, you don't give gramps heartshockers).

But I feel the streets will riot again in Philly with the joys of an Obama nation. I hope, otherwise I might not make it home on my bike tonight. eep.

I'm off to take a shower in a spotless bathroom, then do art, then knitting store, then train a dog, then bellydance. chock full day.
(i'm serious ma about the knitting challenge. expect some pictures of socks up here within the month, i expect you to knit bird cages)
Pizza, rolled up shirts, fringed jackets, and a kiss.
Here's one for South Philly.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Rainy days with puddles to jump in

Pretty rainy in the philly region. I like it though. I feel it washes away some of the trashyness on the sidewalk (when really it just takes it to the sewer grates).

Tea and sleepy puppy noises go well with drip drop sounds.

This weekend was fun but full. Working four days was killer but at least I had a break since Cleek and Sean came to visit!!! I got to go in late on Saturday (still BS that I had to go in since I was told 'we're so flexible if something comes up' when hired). Oh, and that rottweiler from last blogs died :(

Met up at Fergie's for session fun and tunes. Nice little pub with good brie and apple grilled sandwich. The boys started playing and I listened and took pictures.

Cleek and I had wanderings and desserts. mmm pumpkin cheesecake. Then I had to go to work so left for the night. Slept some in the a.m. and then we went for dimsum yum. Dropped off cleeks to catch train, such a short trip but do not dismay!! I'll be going to D.C. to have another short trip to see the amazing wolf saving piano player Helene Grimaud with Cleek and Graham. very excited.

In other news I do have a job next week with rite aid company to do an employee educational video. not hugely exciting but good.

Also I have an interview set up and orientation to work with the program/company BuildaBridge. (http://www.buildabridge.org/) I'm really excited about this since it's such an exciting program. They use creative arts to help nourish needy groups in the community, children, abused women etc. by teaching them dance, music, visual art, cooking classes all kinds of things. They also have international programs so I'm pretty excited to get involved with something that mixes my love of art and helping.
Ok, I'm off to practice my tinwhistle so I can join in the next session.

Monday, September 22, 2008

You're an odd Duck..

Sooooo long of a night. For some reason three of us were working, but then we found the reason. We were pretty darn busy with a bloated dog coming in at 4am. The poor sweet rottweiler boy had a stomach the size of a watermelon. An intern was working so we needed to wait for the surgeon to come in to help him untwist his tummy. I was trying to get the intern vet to maybe decompress it (deflate) but she didn't get the ok and felt like she should wait. So we waited, for over an hour. And the poor dog sat there uncomfortable and then the surgeon walks in, grabs a needle and pokes it into the stomach making the balloon noise. Then tells the intern he was testing her to see if she had the guts to do that. I was thinking right, cause the dog really appreciates to be on the testing end of that situation. that place is an odd duck.

(i was told I was an odd duck by the surgeon after some comment I made. can't remember what comment, but I quacked)

I got off late, maybe 7am, then slept even later. Woke up with resolutions not to be so tired or unmotivated this week. Don't know how that's going to work since I have to work Thurs. through Sun. nights. ergh. Was having a discussion on my tiredness with roommate and friend. Don't know if it's depression or a different reason. I self diagnosed Lupus because of an eye rash (don't freak out ma, i have no idea) But I think maybe i just get sad when I'm dating someone. though I'm not really anymore. i think? ergh.

I went to a movie tonight, "Towelhead". It was premised by the ticket taker saying "that's a disturbing movie" I was then excited for it. When you're alone it makes people much more open to talking to you. A man after the film came up to ask what I thought. He was a talkative sort though. Then a convo with the ticket taker was had. I think people assume that someone alone wants to be talked to. not that I don't it's just interesting the feelings we have towards people who are by themselves. The movie was disturbing but it's better that way.

I think I'll go to the Mutter Museum tomorrow. finally. And take delight in the anomalies in life like siamese twins and soap bodies. (Heather's excited right now)

Pancakes might be in order first though.
If I'm gonna work a lot. I'm gonna play a lot :)

I keep meaning to edit more and send these to you Shannon.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I has a therapy dog

Kasia passed her therapy test!!

She was the most well behaved dog there, if I may say so. (bias disclaimer here)

We walked in and had to walk by a few dogs, which was all part of the test. No biggie, she's good with dogs. One big guy though really liked her and started barking at her. But she just laid down and watched.

Next part of the test was to down/stay. easy. then she had to act normal around the woman in the wheel chair. no problem. The crutches came out and she didn't bat an eye when the lady dropped them on the floor to make a loud noise.

So she passed and I almost cried. (no documented proof, so I say almost)

Now once she gets her papers she can go to the childrens hospitals or have kids read to her. soo cute. I think it really took 11 years for her to calm down enough to get to this point. She's a good girl but she was hyper when young and even at 9!

Here's a picture of her and Penny. really ridiculous.

Kasia and I are walking in the Mutt Strut for the Philly PAWS here that I volunteer at. We've raised 240$ so far which is great. I'm trying to find stuff to focus on since work is in the "blugh" realm and social life is in the "i have no clue" realm. Though I am looking forward to baking soon with Maddy, that should be fun. And hopefully I'll get cracking on the monoprints.

I also got in the mail today the catalog that Kasia and Pity are in! It's sooo cute! I'll post pics of it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"dirty water"

First monoprint of the series. It looks a little better in person.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

and another

her eyes are crazy big. poor bugbitten nose.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I really do has a Hotdog

My new infatuation introduced by someone who loves there dog as much as I do. Which is awesome.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Life really is as good as dog makes it look.....

I don't mean for just me, but anyone. If you're perceptive to the goodness around you. Goodies can be staring you in the face with coke bottom glasses on. I'll explain.

Tonight was gorgeous. On a last minute wim I decided to see the Regina Spektor/Ani DiFranco concert. I had to catch the bus to the music center on 20th which just happened to be perfectly located 2 blocks from my favorite sushi joint. So I rode bike there and then skipped in for some roll specials. I love going in when there's no one else. It's a tiny cute little place and the guy is so nice. Today he was smling at my tattoo and asked if it was a firebird. His first firebird he's seen he said in his asian accent. cute.
Tonight added to my count of being caught in the rain. I always seem to be biking. My next interaction might need it's own blog, and if I find the pictures of me with this random guy in the Philly Style weekly magazine, it probably will get it's own blog. I'll save that story.
The concert was amazing. I mainly went for Regina Spektor and she was adorable and stunning to watch. Ani was an added bonus.
The bus ride back though, was actually the highlight. An older gentleman sat next to me. I had seen him on the ride there talking to himself the whole way. He started a conversation with no one really in particular, kind of out loud in the way that makes you think "ok, don't make eye contact and it won't be directed at you" But I thought, "eh, who cares, I'll entertain him a bit"
Let me first describe him, cute as the whole thing was. Thick glasses which made it impossible to see his eyes. A slight stutter with sentences a little off in the mind but not so much that he didn't converse, just mild rambles. He talked about all the concerts he's seen there and how 51 years ago he paid 33$ for a month membership and now it's that per show. I asked him how else it's changed and he said, "well, the hair around me is getting a lot grayer when I go to symphonies" He told me about who was playing and composing and what year it was in. I said one of my sorrows was to never see Pavarotti live, he said he's seen him 6 times. Then listed where, what year, and who he sang with. He was in the audience when Shostokovitch was there at a performance. I couldn't keep all the singers straight but he said they finally let a woman sing in the 70's who they wouldn't 20 years earlier. I asked why they wouldn't and he said, "because she was black, of course. Discrimination" He told me how he found her picture signed in the photographer's frame work in a thrift store and paid 10$ when it was worth 1,000$. We talked about Nadja Sonnenberg and Magdalena Kozena. He asked me how long I'd been in Philladelphia. He lived there his whole life. My stop came up and I thanked him and told him it was nice talking to him, and he said to enjoy Philadelphia and that there was so much to see and I should see everything. I unfortunately didn't get his name and I would have stayed on the bus but my bike was parked so had to get off. He was probably a Herbert or Walter. I should have asked. I should have made him my museum friend.
This conversation rivaled the man who lived with rocks in New Mexico.
Everyone needs to look out for their coke bottle glassed conversation. That is good life.
Here is dog's good life.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Behind the Scenes plus extra

Here are the demanded photos of our dog modeling extravaganza. I don't have many of Kasia working it since I was busy helping her with poses while she was on. And she was on.

She had a few vain moments and kept walking over to a mirror and standing in front of it. That was extremely funny. Pity was her usual Supermodel self and pulled out her signature over the shoulder. She was a little upset at little Mia being so cute. She's going to have to understand that it's a young models world. and you really only have a few good minutes for high fashion before you're yesterdays top dogmodel.

I will also post the photographer's finished product.

I was in heaven. I think I need to tap into the dog High Fashion market. In fact... Look for that series to come.

and a bonus........Jon is so lucky to work for MAC and lucky to hang out with us girls. HeeHee. And I scored sassy pink lipstick and blush. Pretty.

Monday, June 30, 2008


NY visiting is scheduled this week for Pup photoshoot and fun. Kasia will have a spa day tomorrow to prep and beautify.

It was a long but good weekend of work. Dr's are beginning to see my level of capabilities and are starting to rely on me to help them and look for me to assign stuff to. It's a crazy environment but luckily I miss the politics working at night with very few and awesome people, so I seem to not have to deal with it. Sleep is off a lot but I'm dealing with it.

New project is underway of Clay Monoprints. I'm setting up studio in the basement and getting tools together. Hopefully what I'm trying to do will work. No reason it shouldn't. I even lucked out and got well water from work, which I wasn't sure where I was going to obtain. Now I need to think of a motif and theme to play with.

I got a little lizard in the mail today. very cute, thank you MaMa.

I actually have a meet tomorrow with some people to have deserts and talks. That should be fun. Mind is a blank on what else is going on. hmmm, i'll think more when my head is no zombie keeper.

Monday, June 16, 2008

NY visit

I found (well, heard about) a wonderful thing. Megabus. It allows me to travel to NY for only 12$. now if they would let kasia buy a ticket that would be sweet bliss.

I had a workshop/audition with some agencies up there this past week. I think it went pretty well, but you never know, so we'll see. I met up with Brandy, Pity, and Jon. We had an unusual invention called Bubble Tea. I went and read for agents. Then we met up again to hangs. I miss my friends!! *sniff*

We experienced live Karaoke that was almost to a choreographed level. which made us question the definition of karaoke but it was entertaining. We had some brew and sweet potato fries and laughs. Seeing how it was a thursday and folks had to get to works we headed out and back to apartment. But then continued with dog photo sessions and goodness. Pity is such a little ham she loves it. and so do we.

The Model Pitufina (and her mom);

Friday, June 13, 2008

Sad news...

My orchid did not bloom :( thank you Papa though. I'm sure it will bloom again. I just have to wait for the suprise of what color it is. (i think i might have found it online though)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Philly, DC, and NY in a whirlwind

The beginning Philly the Phirst time;

I wanted to post at least one picture of our last harrah before cleek ran off to Berlin. The trip started off with cleekers meeting me at the philly train station. We decided to walk up to get some coffee and go over the plan. We went to the place I like the most and frequent maybe a little too frequently. It was nice and slow there so we could cause a little havoc and be loud and take pictures at free will. Struck up some conversation with a sweet little gumdrop named Maddy, which Cleek suggested we steal away with us. I think she might have come willingly though. We decided to make a trip to Brooklyn that night since Arjuna decided he would rather go see Barack Obama speak than come to see us. So the trip was needed to kidnap him. We left Philly at 10pm, which is such an improvement over usually leaving C'ville at that time and driving 7 hours! It was incredibly quick to scootch up into NY in under 2 little bitty hours.

Met Misko and a bit drunk Arjuna out at the bar. stayed for a hot little minute then made way to sleep at Arjuna's.

We had a good little ride first though, taking pictures (I'm so bad at doing it while driving. actually it's just bad that I'm so good at it really) and galavanting with arjuna shouting directions at me in french that i don't know. Had to stop at lights and run out to take pictures at opportune times. (this one with camera on the back of a taxi.)

In the morning we made way to eat at Dim Sum, walked around chinatown where I was going to kick over and free frogs kept in buckets, and finally convinced Arjuna to continue with us back to philly.

Fiesta #2 In Philly;

We were so hungry by the time I got home with them and everyone got going that we didn't seem to make it all the way up to market st. like i had said. in fact we only made it a few blocks till we hit up La Lupe mexican joint where we ordered so much food the waitress laughed at us when she brought it all out. We were so stuffed that we pretty much just rolled ourselves over to the cafe close by and had some chocolated drinks. you would think this would be a normal thing but with this french guy that owns this place, it is not. He douses your hot chocolate with shaved choc. whipped cream, melted choc., powdered chocolate. so much chocolate. and yells and woops when he does it. ridiculous.

The next day we met up with Chloe at the coffee shop (see? frequent too frequently. can't help it, cute guys own cute dogs there and their mocha's are sooo good.) Then i wanted to show them the joys of philly walking and cannoli eating so we walked up to market around society hill and into reading terminal market.

The last stretch Part 3 DC;

We had to quickly head home to leave for the district as Maximillion's show started at 8. We made it so quickly since philly leads to everywhere in just 2 hours. Ran over to becca's home where we were staying that night, picked her up and ran over to the 9:30 club. I found a lucky spot again (I don't know why my parking is lucky) close to the club. Max played with his father's punk band that used to play a ton around. It was really fun and a good show. Max is so talented with his percussion!

After the show we ate ethiopian. food not an actual one. maya and ruth came too so it was quadruple the fun. Then we went over to meet max's crew for some dance time. I of course made the jukebox play INXS so we could sashay around. After, we went back to the big house we were sleeping at and made our beds in the glass sunroom, which made us feel like plants in a greenhouse when we woke up. good for morning yoga, not really for sleeping. I had some tea and a little food fight with cleek then had to make the trek back up to philly. arjuna and cleek stayed to have lunch with arjuna's mom, which i desperately wanted to do too, i love kathy. and i love that she's going into the peace corps. but i had to get back.

our last adventure..........until i go to berlin! hopefully. (not looking too great, so expensive)