Monday, June 16, 2008

NY visit

I found (well, heard about) a wonderful thing. Megabus. It allows me to travel to NY for only 12$. now if they would let kasia buy a ticket that would be sweet bliss.

I had a workshop/audition with some agencies up there this past week. I think it went pretty well, but you never know, so we'll see. I met up with Brandy, Pity, and Jon. We had an unusual invention called Bubble Tea. I went and read for agents. Then we met up again to hangs. I miss my friends!! *sniff*

We experienced live Karaoke that was almost to a choreographed level. which made us question the definition of karaoke but it was entertaining. We had some brew and sweet potato fries and laughs. Seeing how it was a thursday and folks had to get to works we headed out and back to apartment. But then continued with dog photo sessions and goodness. Pity is such a little ham she loves it. and so do we.

The Model Pitufina (and her mom);

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You make me laugh!!
What a good little model Pity is!