Monday, June 30, 2008


NY visiting is scheduled this week for Pup photoshoot and fun. Kasia will have a spa day tomorrow to prep and beautify.

It was a long but good weekend of work. Dr's are beginning to see my level of capabilities and are starting to rely on me to help them and look for me to assign stuff to. It's a crazy environment but luckily I miss the politics working at night with very few and awesome people, so I seem to not have to deal with it. Sleep is off a lot but I'm dealing with it.

New project is underway of Clay Monoprints. I'm setting up studio in the basement and getting tools together. Hopefully what I'm trying to do will work. No reason it shouldn't. I even lucked out and got well water from work, which I wasn't sure where I was going to obtain. Now I need to think of a motif and theme to play with.

I got a little lizard in the mail today. very cute, thank you MaMa.

I actually have a meet tomorrow with some people to have deserts and talks. That should be fun. Mind is a blank on what else is going on. hmmm, i'll think more when my head is no zombie keeper.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I thought YOU were the SuperModel - you mean the puppy! Enjoy your weekend with Brandy and photographing the dogs and I'm interested in what you are doing in your basement and what clay monoprints are. I'm glad you liked the little ABQ lizard : )

amy said...


Anonymous said...

Does the lizard have Reptile Dysfunction?

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Oh Heather, That was funny.

Anonymous said...

anonymous was me. jes.

Unknown said...

Ohhhh, is THAT old joke still going around?!! LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!! :P
okay - it was funny.