Monday, November 3, 2008

Riot the Streets

Two Riots, halloween, and a giant Pinata. Full week in the Phil streets, this one might mimic it depending on tonights outcome.

Well, the Phillies win was had. After much buildup with the last game broken in two by mischievious thundergods, the game concluded with a strike out pitch and the streets flooded with havoc drunken phanatics. There was no terror of being taken with the crowds as I tucked myself away in a movie theater. The woman in the box laughed when I walked in and said "you're the only one in the whole place" i said, "oh nice!".

Seven people were behind the snack counter listening to the game, two of them made me my tea. (note for next time if i bring my own cup and tea bag i get hot water for free)
I watched Happy-go-Lucky an english flick about a chick who is happy. obviously. the guy who was the villain/driver teacher/stalker did an amazing job and overall i liked the movie. little annoyed that they had to throw in a love interest for her to be happy, but that wasn't a huge part so not a big annoy. I liked how it ended with her character not changing too much but feeling like the movie moved somewhere.

It was low key for the Halloween celebration. Sugar cookie baking and handing out candies to little mexican kids driven around by the van fulls. We actually didn't have that many come so here I am eating 5 pieces every night with my two bite brownies. good thing i bike.
The giant Pinata isn't even worth talking about. A Carnival Cruise marketing ploy used to lure peole into their ick. I got lured, but more because I couldn't sleep. They built a 3 story pinata but built up to a nonrelease of candy and no demolishing. disappointing.
Sleep was my friend last night, and waking up likes me too. though it helps to have your maid knock on the door to be let in. umm, I have a house cleaner, did i write that ever? ridiculous, but damn she does a good job down to the organized soybeans in the freezer. it's weird though. i haven't had her do my room, i just can't. i always seem to want a shower right at the moment she's cleaning the bathroom.
Voting is going on right now. and the outcome will decide if i move to Germany or not. I'll take Kasia having to wear a basket muzzle over Palin running this country (McCain's going to keel over with how suprised he's gonna be if he wins, you don't give gramps heartshockers).

But I feel the streets will riot again in Philly with the joys of an Obama nation. I hope, otherwise I might not make it home on my bike tonight. eep.

I'm off to take a shower in a spotless bathroom, then do art, then knitting store, then train a dog, then bellydance. chock full day.
(i'm serious ma about the knitting challenge. expect some pictures of socks up here within the month, i expect you to knit bird cages)
Pizza, rolled up shirts, fringed jackets, and a kiss.
Here's one for South Philly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh, socks might be a little difficult to knit ~ I was thinking many long scarves of different colors! : )