Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Little Piggy got her head stuck

I leave the room for ONE second! She's such a little snarfer. At least this time she got into something actually meant for her. But I had to laugh and snap a picture instead of helping her get it off her head. silly.

In other Piggy news, today we made Little Piggy Pot Pies in class. The kids mixed the veggie, water, cream soup, and chicken together and placed biscuits they arranged in the shape of pigs on top. We cooked em and finished actually within time today! They were pretty good even though we had to set them at assigned seats today. Two of them had an argument going on between them but we talked through it a bit and then by the end of class they were helping each other and saying thank you :)

I felt bad passing the younger kids class. Tahmaj who used to be in our class but now turned away since he's younger than 7 ran out and said "I want to be in your cooking class" I was pretty sad about that.

New job day #2 tomorrow. First day went pretty well and I really like everyone there. They all get along and are even friends. That's important so I was glad to see it.

Annnnnd, my bellydance troupe Rag Tag had it's first performance Sunday! We did pretty darn well and were in synch and looked awesome! We're working on our second performance for a guys party in March, which will also be awesome!

I'm winding down for the night and it's only 8:30! I forgot how nice it is to be a daywalker.

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