Sunday, April 13, 2008

Now, Off to the dog park

and then Work, or Find Work!

but this is what i was working on this am.


amy said...

look... um......dolls are freaky. ....putting lipstick on just a tiny bit of the mouth is.....freaky.........I'm freaked out!

Jes said...

ha ha ha. next time i stand over your bed staring at you sleeping i'll look like that. muaahhhahah

amy said...


That would kinda freak Eric out too, ''d be standing over his bed. "JEssie what are you doing? Put the machete down..." Rats the dog won't bite you.

Jes said...

and i'd line up little porcelein dolls at the foot of the bed with mom's freaky baby carriage next to it. and then i'd have a little kid stand in you closet and whisper unitelligably.